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Tell Congress to Support Government Employees

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Support HR 6559 to Support Front Line Workers

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VA Bill of Rights Petition

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I come from a union family. Both of my parents worked as unionized factory workers for over three decades each. I vividly remember my mother participating in a picket line when I was younger. This encouraged me to continue the tradition as a member and employee of Working America, the AFL-CIO’s community affiliate and now as a member of ASEA Local 52. For me, being both a beneficiary of collective bargaining and a participant in union activities is to embody what is a quintessentially American notion of social solidarity or ‘we’re all in this together.’
— Brandon Nakasato
Brandon Nakasato, proud member of ASEA/AFSCME, Local 52

Brandon Nakasato, proud member of ASEA/AFSCME, Local 52

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